NTU Economics

Microsoft Taiwan Technology Center Data&AI Team Intern

Research Assistant @ NTU Behavioral and Data Science Research Center

Teaching Assistant @ NTU ECON 107-1 Data Science and Social Inquiry

The Best Presentation Award - Inter-Seminar NTU x QU x KU

Bronze Award - 2019 Open Data Innovation & Application Contest

If you torture the data long enough,
it will confess. - Ronald Coase

Resume & Profile







Data Analysis
Machine Learning
Algorithmic Trading

    Data & AI team Intern
    Microsoft Taiwan MTC
    Speech Giver
    ‧ Data Science Inter-Seminar
    with Kyushu Univ. & Kyoto Univ.
    Keynote Speaker
    ‧ Coding & Co-working Club NTU


Data Analysis
Data Visualization
Sentiment Analysis with GCP

    Teaching Assistant
    ‧ 107-1 Data Science and Social Inquiry course NTU

Works - In School

Bronze Award - 2019 Open Data Innovation & Application Contest

Co - supervised with NTU ECON Chair - Prof. MingJen Lin and NTU Prof. JiLung Hsieh, help students to collect micro weather data via IoT sensor and open weather data, then predict crop prices with time series analysis model and Microsoft Azure Machine Learning Service, won the bronze medal among 263 teams.

The Best Presentation Award @ QU x KU x NTU

Earned The Best Presentation Award in the inter-seminar.
My semainar paper, Portfolio Optimization and Algorithmic Trading with Python, has been recognized for the most outstanding presentation in the joint seminar QU x KU x NTU at Kyushu University.

Speaker @ Graduate Student Seminar on Economics

I presented my seminar paper "Portfolio Optimization and Algorithmic Trading with Python" with new version in our department's Graduate Student Seminar on Economics with Kyoto Univ.

Speaker & Liaison @ QU x KU x NTU

I particiated in two seminars with Kyushu University and Kyoto University, and arranged one held in NTU.
I presented my seminar paper in both seminars. "Handwriting Recognition with Machine Learning Techniques and OpenCV" and "Portfolio Optimization and Algorithmic Trading with Python"


107-1 NTU ECON Data Science and Social Inquiry Teaching Assistant
Research Assistant in Department of Economics

Keynote Speaker @ CCclub NTU

Present in front of 120 attendents.
Lecture Topic: Data analysis and Stock market analysis with Python.
Poltting MACD, bollienger bands with Python to predict the boom and bust of stock market.

Keynote Speaker @ Blockchain NCCU

Present in front of Blockchain NCCU club members.
Lecture Topic: When Bitcoin meets Python.
Use data analysis method and trading concept to build a trading algorithm and price notification of bitcoin.

Works - In Microsoft

2018 Microsoft CIO Day Keynote Demo

Demo the lastest Microsoft AI solutions, Pipeline leak detection with drone, in front of government CIOs, Microsoft Taiwan GM Ken Sun and Microsoft National Tech Officer Danny Ding.
Quote from Ken "Very nice to have you on team Ashe!"

Microsoft Startup Accelerator Opening

The Microsoft Startup Accelerator is operated by Microsoft MTC, my department.
We focused on helping founders with amazing resources, technical support, mentorship and help growing their customer base.

Demo the lastest Microsoft AI solution

I've done executive briefing in front of the vice-minister of Economic Affairs, R.O.C, CEO & executive of Winbond, one of the biggest suppliers of semiconductor solutions worldwide, Far Eas Tone Telecommunications, Shin Kong Mitsukoshi senior management, Taiwan Power Company, and Microsfot Taiwan GM, Ken Sun.

FET AI Hackathon

In Feb 2019, Microsoft and Far EasTone Telecommunications (FET) held an AI hackathon for FET internal employees together. As a menter, I help participants to build AI demos with Microsoft Azure. Mostly with our Cognitive Services - Face API, Custom Vision, Custom Speech.

Drone Object Detection

Develop object detection on DJI drone's camera.
Using Microsoft Custom Vision to train an object detection model to detect broken holes on fuel pipeline and Windows SDK for streamimg the video.

Face Value Calculation

Base on Microsoft Face API, we developed a Face Value Calculation System with Custom Vision Classifier.
This system can dedect peoples' age, gender, sentiment, and use the classifier to calculate the face value.

Workshop Speaker

In Microsoft, I've done workshop with Institute for Information Industry, R.O.C, China Steel Corp., Academic Sinica and Far Eas Tone Telecommunications.
Teaching Data Analysis Technic and Maching Learning Algorithms with Microsoft Azure, like Azure Machine Learning Service, Azure Custom Vision and Power BI.

In God we trust, all others bring data.
- W. Edwards Deming

The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men
how little they really know about what they imagine they can design.
- Friedrich August von Hayek